Hi there.

We are Lokiclub.
We give you optimized and researched keywords.

Are you looking for ideas for your next blog or video? We provide you with researched keywords that increases your content’s chance to gain lots of views.

How we can help

Do you want to give your content the best chance possible to get as many views as it can? Then you are at the right place. We are keyword specialists.

Whether if you are looking for keyword ideas to create content around, or want keywords to boost your existing content, we can help you.

Keywords are just words and phrases people use to find information on a particular topic. Without them, no one will ever find your content.

General Researched Keywords

You can use our list of general keywords that will most likely get you views, but it also depends on your content.

Specific Researched Keywords

We can research for keywords that is specific to your content or niche, so you can get more views.

Search Engine Optimization

Keywords are crucial for SEO. Our keywords are optimized for different search engines (Youtube, Google etc)

Trend Analysis

Current and future trends have an effect on the search volume of keywords. That’s why we do trend analysis.

SEO Content Consulting

We can help you with content development, how to incorporate keywords, and the best way to optimize. 

About us

We are a digital agency, specializing in SEO and keyword research. Our goal is to help content creators to get more views. It wouldn’t be just “keywords”. It will be a part of your content creation strategy. We are here to help you on your journey in the digital era.

There are so much great content on the internet, content that creators poured their love, time, and sweat into. The problem is that they are not getting the attention they deserved. That’s because their content lacks the right keywords, and we can fix that. 

Our small team is based in Sweden, started in 2020. But we have team members all over the world.

Focus on creating & we'll find the keywords

We do the boring research, so you can focus on creating.

Why Do You Need Keywords?

Keywords play a central role in SEO. Without them, you will never stand out in an ocean of content.

Search engines like Google and Youtube rely on keywords to understand the content.

If your content contains the keywords people are using in their searches, your content is more likely to appear in those search results.

Keywords help you understand what information people are looking for online.

By having keywords used by your target audience, you can tailor your content to meet their needs and expectations.

Using the right keywords can significantly boost your visibility online.

By including relevant, high-traffic keywords in, you can improve your ranking, so you would get more views and have a wider reach.

With keywords, you will be a step closer to  monetizing your content and maximizing gains.

 With the right keywords, you can at least get the views required to run ads on your website or channel. But your content has to be good too.

The latest from our blog

Read about the latest digital trends, updates, tips, guides and more. Find out what’s happening and use it to your advantage.


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